Ronald Mevs
Size: 16x16
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Paper
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$ 635.00
LWA Since their exclusive show in June of 1985 at the Villa Medicis in Rome, this group is now called Cinq Soleils.
He participated in several exhibitions at the Museum of Haitian Art, the French Institute and all the major Galleries of Haiti as well as the most important exhibits in europe Grand Palais, Paris and the United States, Brooklyn Museum, NY. He graces the cover of Seldon Rodmans book on Haitian Art: Haiti where Art is Joy.
Prosper Pierre-Louis
Size: 30x20
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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Prosper Pierre-Louis
Size: 18x14
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Hardboard
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$ 975.00
Soleil Levoy Exil was born in Fermate far up the mountain above Port-au-Prince on December 7, 1944, or in Soissons-la-Montagne on October 19, 1944, depending on which book you consult.
He was one of the original members of Saint Soleil, a community of peasant artists that was organized by the Haitian artist Tiga, and Maude Robart, a writer and painter herself.
Levoy Exil
Size: 30x24
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 780.00
Saint Soleil was located in the mountains above LaBoule, at Soisson-La- Montagne. It provided the means and encouragement for not only painters, but also poets, writers, craftspeople, singers, dancers, sculptors and musicians.
The movement received international attention after the visit in 1975 of Andre Malraux, who was so impressed with the place that he devoted a chapter in his last book, L´Intemporel, to Saint Soleil. Exil is also one of the five members of Cinq Soleil, the group of artists that reformed in the late
Levoy Exil
Size: 30x48
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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Levoy Exil
Size: 12x12
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 290.00
The Saint Soleil group began around 1973 as a peasant commune run by a French and a Haitian intellectual who left the country in 1979.
Five of the artists of the Saint Soleil group stayed together and are still painting in an almost modern style of spirits and loas floating freely across the canvas.
Prospere Piere Louis
Size: 57x40
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Hardboard
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$ 475.00
Payas is predicator of the Baptist Church of Soissons, a church that fights against the -satanic cult of vodoo-
Payas was born Pierre Sylvain Augustin in Divette (commune de Petionville) in December 1941.
In 1992 he builds a house next to Prosper Pierre Louis, whom he visits very often watching him paint. Never he had thought that he will become a painter himself until he had the premonition that Prosper was working on his last canvas (unachieved) several days before his death in November 1996.
Payas is predicator of the Baptist Church of Soissons, a church that fights against the -satanic cult of vodoo-.
Under the influence of the -spirits- and the -voice- of Prosper coming from the -unknown-, Payas begins to paint and in January 97, presents his first design to Tiga. In 1998 he is one of -the 13 New St Soleil- presented at the French Institute in Haiti, and also exhibited in the World Bank in Washington, DC.
In the year 2000 after Christ, he is one of the St Soleil artists ehibited at the ,-Musee de la Halle St Pierre-Haiti :Anges et Demons- in Paris
Says Payas: -It´s the spirits who paint when I'm receptive! If I'm not well in my soul I don't touch a brush!-
His inspiration comes directly from the Bible, which is why the cross symbolism is omipresent in his works.
Size: 40x24
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 950.00
A painting of his hangs in the National Museum, Brussells, Belgium and another was exhibited in the show of Geoffrey Holder�s collection, -Spirits- at the Katonah Museum of Art, (NY) in May 1991.
His work has appeared in books and museum shows internationally.
Besides women, M. Francois paints animals: cats, dogs, horses and owls, and in the early 1990�s, began painting sun and moon heads on human bodies
He also does an occasional surreal voodoo painting. His style is robust, bold and always fresh and new.
Juvenal Durosaire
Size: 20x16
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
FREE Shipping For More Information
$ 225.00
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