Burton Chenet
Size: 30x30
Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
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$ 600.00
Paradise Found His technique has kept the touch, and often the composition, of Modern Haitian painters and speak a universal language.
Burton Chenet
Size: 36x28
Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
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$ 700.00
Chaos In 1995 she began her longtime friendship with Pascale Monnin and who encouraged her to find her path.
Djin is without a doubt part of a new generation carrying the torch of the artistic inheritance of Haiti.
Sergine Andre
Size: 41x31
Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
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$ 1350.00
Symphonie en Rouge Haitian paintings is generally divided into two categories: naives and moderns.
The naive painters are known as primitives, and it´s been said that their style lacks artistic education and discipline. The modern painters have come to view the term - naif - as a negative connotation for the evolution of Haitian paintings. However, the term naive has more to do with independence from academic tradition, and it is a style that suggested artistic innocence.
Sergine Angre
Size: 30x40
Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
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2000 - Gallery Monnin
2000 - Etno Design; Group show
2000 - Halle Saint Pierre, Paris; Organized by the Mayor of Paris.
1999 - Brussels, Belgium
1997 - Gallery Monnin
1997 - Group show; Femme Peintre; Mupanah - National Pantheon Museum
1997 - Winner of Knowing Young Painters competition; Organized by the French Institute
Sergine Andre
Size: 30x40
Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
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Jorelus Joseph
Size: 33x33
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
FREE Shipping For More Information
$ 525.00
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